DIY Backyard Tutorial

Dog Gate

Locate a spot for the dog gate to go

We picked our little side yard

Gather your supplies

Supplies Needed: - Gate kit - 4x4 wood  - 2x3 wood - Fence planks - Post anchors - Mallet - Screws - Paint - Measuring Tape - Drill - Circular saw - End caps - 110 grit sand paper - Wood filler

1. Measure + place where you want it to go

Measure out the opening and plan where anchors should go

2. Pound anchors in place

3. Set height for posts

We made ours 42" high

4. Drill + secure end caps

5. Measure + cut fence planks

We cut ours at 40"

5. Drill to support boards

Using a drill, attach to the support boards

5. Fill in screw holes with wood filler

Sand down once dry

6. Paint the gate

7. Assemble panels + posts

8. Add gate hardware

And that's it!

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