How To Make Room Spray
Benefits of using homemade room spray:
1. Natural, Non-Toxic Ingredients
2. No Harmful Chemicals
3. Ecofriendly
4. Can Customize Your Scent
4. Can Customize Your Scent
Materials Needed:
- Glass Spray Bottle - Distilled Water - Essential Oils - Almond or Vanilla Extract - Labels
Favorite Scents
- Lemon Oil (25 drops) / Almond Extract (3/4 tsp) - Citrus Fresh Oil (25 drops) / Peppermint Oil (10 drops) - Vanilla Extract (1tbsp) / Lavender Oil (28 drops)
1. Pour into glass 1 cup of distilled water
2. Add in essential oils
Select your favorite scent mix and add to glass
3. Put top onto glass bottle and shake
Shake the mixture really good to combine ingredients thoroughly.
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