I can’t believe I am even typing these words, but WE ARE MOVING!

I never thought we would leave this house, at least not this soon. But the opportunity has come for us to build and have our horse with us.

Who knew 8 years ago when Lauren started horse lessons that it would lead us down this path of wanting land and having horses.

I have always been a beach girl, born and raised right by the ocean. My love for beach life will never go away and someday I dream of having a little house near the ocean. But for now, we have a little slice of heaven more near the country.

Last fall after our daughter Lauren got a concussion, we began talking more and more about how we would like to be in a small town and slower-paced living. Where we are living right now has literally exploded since the pandemic started and is one of the most sought-after areas (even from out of state) for people to buy and live.

As much as we have loved this area and all the friends we have made, it is time for us to get a little breathing room from all the massive construction going on around here.

So I am sure you have lots and lots of questions and I can try to answer some of the common ones we have been getting.

Why are you moving?

As I mentioned above, in the fall when Lauren got her concussion we started to have more and more conversations about her school experience and what she wanted out of the next few years before college.

She kept saying over and over how she wanted to be in a smaller school (the high school where we are has over 3,500 students).

We also have struggled to have our horse so far away from us and not be able to get out and see her more regularly.

And lastly, Lauren really wants to do horse breeding for a living when she is older so we are possibly thinking of breeding our horse in the next 3-4 years to see if it is something she really wants to go to college for. Because let’s be real. Breeding horses will take a pretty penny.

Where are you moving?

As much as I would love to tell you exactly where we will be, I need to respect my family’s privacy and can’t give you the exact location.

We are headed slightly more North/East from where we are right now which is about 45 min North of downtown Dallas. It is a more rural town. I think the closest grocery store is in the next town over. Pray for me! LOL!

How much land did you get?

Bryan and I really thought long and hard on how much land to get.

Originally I wanted 10-20 acres so there would be plenty of space for Lauren to ride her horse. But realistically, she leaves for college in 5-1/2 years, and Bryan and I just don’t need that much land. More land = much more upkeep.

So we found 4.5 acres nestled in a community where all the lots have some land to them. We will still have neighbors but we all will have what I am lovingly calling some buffer room. 

When will you move?

Our house will officially hit the market on May 19th. Then depending on what kind of contract we get, we will move accordingly.

Where will you live while you are building?

We actually have a smaller house in the area we are building that we have already purchased.

It is a new build and is super cute! It will close at the end of May and be ready for us to move into in June.

This is always the hardest part when you are in the transition phase and not sure where to go. We are so fortunate to have this cute home and I can’t wait to share more with you about it.

Are you selling your furniture?

So this is still up in the air for now. If the buyer of our home wants any of it then yes it is up for sale. Otherwise for now it is either coming to our little bungalow home or it is going into storage for our ranch home when it is done.

I have already been selling tons of stuff on the local Facebook pages and really trying to purge. 

Inexpensive Ways to Create Instant Curb Appeal

Can I get information on your home?

Yes, you can as long as you are a serious buyer and have a preapproval. You can reach out to our amazing realtor Danielle Durbin through durbinrealtygroup.com. 

We are so excited for this next phase in our lives and truly feel so grateful for these opportunities. Trust me when I say Bryan and I never thought we would be able to have a home like what we plan to build. God always has a bigger plan than what you can see. 

If you have any other questions leave them in the comments and I will try my best to get them answered and STAY TUNED for all these exciting things on the horizon in this neck of the woods! It is going to be a wild ride!

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