Happy Monday friends! Today I wanted to take you in my home and share my spring living room. With a few simple switches, I gave our home a fresh updated look for the season. I absolutely love this time of year! Our crape myrtle tree is just gorgeous covered in it’s beautiful pink flowering leaves and all the grass turns a bright rich green. . . . finally!

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

Spring Living Room Refresh:

I decided on a turquoise and poppy color scheme mixed with all my blues. I can never get away from shades of blue that remind me of back home in California. It makes me feel like I have a part of home with me.

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom


It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

The clear glass turquoise bottles are so pretty with my original artwork created by my dear friend Kori Clark. She is such an amazing artists and you have to check out her shop HERE.

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

On a recent trip, I found this gorgeous blue and white garden stool. Now I have to be honest, I can not believe it too me so long to get one in this color. I have had my white one forever but this blue and white one is my absolute favorite. I have a feeling it will move around my home a lot but for now it is taking center stage on the hearth. I found a similar one HERE for you.

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

I am definitely one of those people that likes a more neutral room and then adds color in with accessories. I have always had a hard time committing to color and I think that is because I desgin so much in color that I like to have a more restful space for my eyes in the evenings.

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

I love the look of these mixed colored vases with bands of a metal on them that are popping up lately. I choose this modern one (similar) in white and gold and clustered it with a white lotus flower and candle on my design books.

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

Remember my farmhouse wood prayer bead tutorial from the other week? I moved them from our entry to our coffee table, draped over some moss balls in this wood bowl (similar). I love the more modern look of it here. They are SO easy to make and only cost me $30! SUCH a steal since the full price ones are almost $200.

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

I also stuffed our navy ikat pillows we normally have on our sofa into my baskets for a place to store them for now. I will definitely be adding them back soon. They are my favorite!

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

The other side of the room remained fairly neutral with just a pop of blue from these velvet pillows and some pretty poppy colored flowers in a white vase.

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

I found a matching bowl to the one on my coffee table and popped in a few succulents and a box of matches for my candles I have all around. I stacked it up with a few of my favorite books.

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

It's time to redecorate for spring! Love this fresh and inviting spring living room! See more on https://ablissfulnest.com/ #springdecorating #livingroom

And there you have it . . .our spring living room! It is looking fresh and colorful in our little home and I am loving it! Have you started adding some spring inspired decor to your home? Before you know it Easter will be here!



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